Praying with a Sword in Hand.

I've always wanted a sword. Now, if you know me, you know this isn't the greatest idea. I would for sure cut off my own arm. Or the arm of my wife...child even. Still, i have this overwhelming desire to take a huge metal (is that what they are even made of? ) sword and swing it over my head like i was Aragorn from Lord of the Rings and i would grunt like a professional tennis player and have long, sweaty hair that went past my shoulders! (Bless the LORD I'm married and my wife has VOWED to never let me go as crazy as my imagination would let me)

Many years ago I was talking to God about this desire (i wonder if this has anything to do with watching all that He-Man and She-ra when i was a kid) and He said that it was cool, He loved that I had this desire and that He made me with it. I've only heard God say this to me on three occasions. Once about my singing, recently about my creativity, and years ago about this sword envy. Of Course, as God is apt to do, He explained the situation a little deeper.

He said that I've been called to be a warrior. I've been called to cut things down and kill things with a sword. Not a literal sword but with truth. With the word(s) of God. I would be able to use the bible and what God has to say to help people stop believing the lies they've been told and to cut through the barriers people put up against love. I thought what God was saying was strange and weird and i didn't really get it. and so, i ignored it for, uhm... a whole lot of years.

Recently I feel that God wants me to learn about prayer. I think He wants me to start being the warrior who uses a sword. In praying, i'm going to be doing some cutting and killing in a spiritual world that i can't see. I'm going to be not just asking God for things but actually saying things that will happen or need to happen.

So...i might not end up looking like Aragorn (AWH, i want to cause he is SOOO cool!) but I think there is an adventure God has for me that requires me to be the kind of guy who prays things into being. I will be fighting for my family and my friends in prayer. I will be praying against sickness and despair and discouragement. Hey...enough of all this prayer talk...why not start now!

Dear Lord, Thank you for all the blessings you have given me. Thank you for desires that seem silly and stupid but speak to a me that I don't even know yet. Lord, you know my beginning and end and you are working good things within me. Lord, help me become the prayer person who boldly calls out the impossible. Who tells mountains to move. Who steps into seas and tells them to separate. I look forward to seeing what adventures lie ahead. In Jesus Name, Amen.


Care said...

I had a vision of my sword once & it looked like Conan the Barbarians but needed some sharpening. (looked a bit rusty) Once I was walking into a job for painting a wall mural & the Lord spoke to me & said your gift is prayer. I was stunned & thought what about the whole creative art aspect of my life. Nothing more at that time. My gift is prayer...I say it is good to accept that gift & use it. I nod off sometimes when I pray too. Maybe because I am already lying down. :-)