Getting ready for something new

I think God might be chasing me. I think that He is pretty stankin' close and though i can't see him or hear him, He's right around the corner ready to make himself known. Its exciting. Its concerning. I feel like i'm being pursued.

This could easily be taken as a bad thing. Who wants to be chased...and by the creator of the universe. Especially when you know that you haven't been close to his standards and if God were anything like you (a human) he would probably not be very happy. I feel like that most of the time...until i start talking to him.

He loves me. God really, really loves me. I am the one that Jesus loves. He is fully interested in my life and fears and dreams. He considers me his child and wants to spend time with me. To give me purpose and meaning and identity.

There's a verse in the bible that says "perfect love casts out fear". I know that this is true. God loves me so much that when i get close to him all the fear of judgement and stanky attitude is totally forgotten. Seriously, i don't even remember that i was so afraid. He says some tough things sometimes and sometimes I don't wanna listen but i'm never afraid to talk to him.

I've been in some pretty cool situations with God and I know that He has taken care of me SO MANY TIMES. I feel like He is getting ready to take me to a new level. He is preparing me to see things through his eyes. To see myself the way He sees me. To love other people the way Jesus would love them.

Its pretty exciting. I look forward to sharing whatever i learn with you guys on this blog. Yup, its time to change the name! WOW...things are changing. Thanks for being a part of it.


Kisha J. said...

oooooh! i like the new blog! i support! i love that at the end of this blog u fully had an "eddie" moment... i heard u say it an all! lol

it's pretty crazy how we can't even grasp God's love... if we think to long of it all we can say is "wow"... and then nothing at all!