You want a friend in Washington? Get a dog. - Harry S. Truman

I am not getting a dog. Yes, dogs can be wonderful companions to people but who wants a friend that poops on your lawn or on your carpet. If i were so desperate...i would just call my mom more often (you see...there was this one time, too much laughing...plastic chairs...unfortunate really)

Washington is apparently a hard place to make friends. My father-in-law says it also. I wonder if he said it to my this week from personal experience or to try and make me feel like not a complete failure for not making a friend in 3 months. But I think making friends in your 20's is hard no matter where you are. Do you remember when you were a teenager, and people (who seemed older and wiser) would say its wonderful when you are older cause you know your likes and dislikes. Yeah, that's great and all (i have no clue how its great yet) but it really limits the people you're willing to become friends with. I've had some really great friends and now i have this horrible standard that no one can live up to.

Argh, almost every time that I try to write here, its about midway through, when I've exhausted all my witty-ness, that i feel that i should maybe stop and be honest. So honestly,I've given up any real standard and I've now gotten to the point when I'm going up to people and telling them: "be friends with me, I'm desperate, I'll buy your friendship with candy (don't laugh, it really worked in college)". My new best friend is my 1 year old son, which is great in some ways but really, he poops in his step up from a dog.

I go to this young adult church service and attempt to do small talk conversation with hopes that something will come out of it. But if you know me, i have this horrible way of making awkward situations even more awkward. So, I'm pretty much just biting my tongue now, holding myself back from asking/telling people: "are you just not into me? Should i try to speak to you again or would that be a waste of time for you and me? No hard feelings, lets just put the cards on the table."

The problem is time. I don't like the time this takes. The whole seeing someone multiple times in different situations and then maybe a crisis or a joint project that eventually makes the other person realize "wait, you aren't just a stalker, you might be a really great friend". HAHAHA...Lord, if I'm gonna be totally honest (aw..this is low...I'm not a good person) I heard someone whom i want to be friends with talk about their best friend yesterday and i honestly have been planning that persons death in my mind. (ugh...that's HORRIBLE!)

Well, this is where the moral of the story usually fits but i don't have a really good one yet. Let's hope I stop acting like a crazy person and start making some friends soon. And what I said about my mom...sorry mom. I know it was just an accident! LOL

"You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes." ~ Winnie the Pooh


Becki said...

I LOVE how you are just straight up with your blogs. I'm willing to bet that you're not alone - ok, that's a sucker bet, remember me when we met? And I'm still that way. I don't make friends easily because I don't trust. And frankly, I'm still amazed that I consider you and your wife friends, cuz y'all just totally disarmed all my defenses and got right in there. VERY COOL by the way, you'll have to let me know how you did that. ok, lest I go into a blog of my own here LOL, you know there's a friend in Washington who is absolutely perfect for you - and really, why settle for less until that person comes along?

Becki said...

PS. Gratz on the two consecutive Tuesdays!

Care said...

I am wondering if it is Washington or something else!?! You are not alone...or I guess you may be. I have found in friendship when things get past the weather kinda relating most time the friendship does not weather the storm. I am looking for those types of friendships and believe I am once again embarking on them. I would not hold back to much. You, the real you has so much to offer and a good shake up now and then is what is needed.