Black History Month

A couple of days ago I read a letter from a leader from my church. It was talking about Obama and how its seems people are putting too much hope in one man that really should be placed in God. i was SO offended. I was fuming actually. Okay...specifics, he said that:
First, we live in an amazing country. The fact that we can elect Barack Obama as our President is a testament to how far we have come as a nation. Many would say our past of slavery, segregation, and discrimination is further behind us now than ever. While there are still some with grievances, even they must admit that things have changed for the better with the election of President Obama.
Later that night, my wife asked me if i read the article on the website. I said I had and she said..."yeah, he's saying the same thing you are." I nearly died. All my anger and offense...i totally had said practically the same thing (grief, i still have a hard time admitting that). A couple of days now and my focus has shifted from yelling at this leader to my taking offense.

I think I look for an offense. I seem to be constantly on the search out for the way someone might offended me. I think there is some anger in me when i think of the injustices done to black people and how, even today, there is still racism and ideas that keep black people down. I also think, i don't know how to deal with it, or talk about it, or change it, so i think i'm fine until i start finding offenses with things i've said myself.

My mom has been hurt by someone who should of been protecting her. And because of their wrong, she suffered even more in life. Yet, she is not offended by them. I have seen my mother reach out time and time again to love and help and bless them. Somehow, she has not let this offense keep her from loving, even to the very person who hurt her so badly.

Black history month has a lesson for everyone. Everyone has been wronged somehow. Everyone has been hurt but someone who was supposed to protect them and love them. One thing black history month highlights is forgiving and not taking offense. To not ignore or excuse when things are wrong but to not hate others even when they do wrong to you. That is not restricited to a black people. I hope that as February and Black History Month come to a close, you think about the offenses you still hold on to and why forgiveness is a first step to saying "free at last".


Kisha J. said...

Hmm... offenses, eh. I'm pretty good at taking those up... probably more often then I carry my cross :S I should probably think on what u wrote a bit more...

Thanks for sharing that.